Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Love is Where We Are: Family Photos

While the rest of our guests enjoyed their cocktail hour, we posed for photos with our families. Mr. Lion and I each have divorced parents, so there were a lot of separate pictures to take. Fortunately, our photographer was really great about speeding things along efficiently.

First, we posed with Mama Lioness.

Next, we posed with Papa Lioness.

As you can see, Sister Lioness got to be in all of the Lioness family shots. Next up was MIL Lion and Mr. Lion's stepdad.

They're so stinkin' cute.

Next, we posed with FIL Lion and Mr. Lion's stepmom.

Next, we posed with Mr. Lion's abuelos.

Then, Mama Lioness decided she wanted one of just us girls. I'm glad she said something, because this is one of my favorite pictures from the whole day.

Then, I decided that I wanted one with just Sister Lioness.

When my cousin (the one who was our officiant) got married last year, the rest of us cousins took a group picture together...without him. We thought he was too busy playing host and didn't want to bother him for a silly photo. I firmly explained to my cousins that this would not be the case at my wedding. I was never too busy for a cousins photo! Sure enough, fast forward to the middle of our reception and I was summoned for a group photo.

I like that one because Ship, Jen's boyfriend, apparently thought this was a goofy picture. Clearly, the rest of us did not get that memo. We have one normal picture, but I like this one better. Here's the normal one:

And here's one where we all decided to be goofy:

Finally, we invited some of the older generations to participate:

My grandmother is still talking about this picture, six months later. It doesn't get any better than that!

Catch up on the Lioness recaps here!
*All photos by H. Photography unless otherwise noted.

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