Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Goofy Pictures & Silly Names

Bear with me, Hive...this is gonna be a long and photo-heavy post!  I recently sat down to make our table numbers.  And I'm using the term "numbers" loosely.  You see, our tables aren't really numbered at all!  We picked out one picture for each table.  Some were representative of some of our favorite things.  Some were representative of some of our favorite inside jokes.  Then, we came up with silly names to correspond with each photo, most of which involved using the word "table" as some kind of pun.  Best of all, I found these ornament-shaped cards at Paper Source!

But Miss Lioness!  What in the world would you need ornament-shaped cards for?  Your wedding isn't anywhere near Christmas!  Well, turn it upside down...

Booyah!  Hot air balloon.

I printed out the table names in green ink, using the font Monterey BT and some leftover label paper from our wraparound labels.  Then, I sliced them up with a paper cutter.

Next, I stuck each label onto a "balloon."

Then, I trimmed the excess label paper so that it fit neatly on the balloon.

Then, I did the same thing with photos.

Then, I repeated these steps for each of the 17 cards.
{the front}

{the back}

What's that?  You want to see each individual picture?  I mean they're mostly just embarrassing nerdy things or memories from random Disney vacat--OKAY!  (Lioness wedding guests, leave now if you wanna be surprised!)
There's Gold at That There Table
Disney World, 2006
There used to be a little McDonald's french fry cart in Frontierland and for some reason, this sign became one of my family's favorite inside jokes.

It's On Like Table
Disney World, 2009
Clearly, a Donkey Kong reference.

The Table Who Says Ni
Savannah, 2009
A Monty Python reference.

The Bunny Butt Table
Our first apartment, 2009
Corgis' rear ends look like they belong on some kind of rabbit.  Lion Corgi is no different, and this is our favorite family photo.

Please Stand Clear of the Table
Disney World, 2007
The Disney monorail says "please stand clear of the doors; por favor mantengase alejado de las puertas."  We were actually waiting for the tram when this picture was taken, but we figured it was close enough.

The Tarzan Table
Costa Rica, 2010
Ziplining is awesome.  I highly recommend it.

Knights of the Round Table
UCF's mascot is the Knight.  I think the rest of that name is self-explanatory.  Photo by Evan Hampton.
Where the Girls Are the Fairest, The Table Is the Squarest
A line from "We Are the Boys," an old UF song.  Photo by Evan Hampton.

Eat More Table
Chick-Fil-A, 2010
Mr. Lion and I have dressed up for Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-Fil-A four years in a row now.  What?  They give you free food!

That's What Table Said
New Orleans, 2010
We saw this sign in NOLA and immediately decided that we don't deserve it, because we constantly use the "that's what she said" joke.

Would You Sit at This Table for a Scooby Snack?
Gainesville, 2005
Our very first date.  He wore a blond wig and an ascot for me.  Those other kids in that picture somehow made it into our bridal party...

Beer Pong Table
Gainesville, 2005
Mr. Lion and I first met while playing beer pong.  It may sound strange, but that silly game is still very near to our hearts.

The Table
Atlanta, 2009
Our friend threw a watching-party for the season finale of "Lost" one year, and we decided to dress up as characters from the show.  Mr. Lion and Lion Gman Ryan both decided to dress up as Charlie, and accidentally wore the same outfit...complete with Guitar Hero guitar.  This card doesn't actually say "The Table."  It's just the Dharma Initiative logo with a table on it, instead of a swan or something.
{by Sister Lioness, of course}

Aren't You a Little Short to Be a Table?
Disney World, 2006
Mr. Lion was pretty psyched to meet a Storm Trooper.  The name is a line from Star Wars.  Don't judge me.

I Love Table
South Shore of Massachusetts, 2009
This is the town my family grew up in, where we have summered for four generations.  It was a really big deal when I took Mr. Lion there, knowing that we would someday bring a fifth generation there.  The lighthouse in the distance flashes once, then four times, then three times, thus the nickname of the "I Love You" lighthouse.  So we decided to call this picture "I Love Table."  It also doubles as an "Anchorman" reference.

The Happiest Table on Earth
Disney World, 2009
This one's going on our sweetheart table.

Who's At This Table?
Yankee Stadium, 2006
I'm a Sox fan; Mr. Lion's a Yankees fan.  I couldn't come up with a name for this picture without using the word "evil," and he couldn't come up with a name without using the word "rings."  We agreed on a "Who's On First?" reference.

{all personal photos, unless otherwise noted}
It's not the most beautiful DIY project I've made so far, but I definitely think it'll make for a good conversation-starter!  What are you doing for your table numbers or names?

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