Wednesday, March 9, 2011

They Were Right

You know how people say that things can and will go wrong at your wedding?  The unexpected happens, and there's absolutely nothing you can do to make it better?  Well, we've had our fair share of that lately.

First of all, we met with our venue the other day to discuss final numbers.  Guess what?  They brought up the how-do-we-serve-cake debate, or "Cupcake Wars" as I have now nicknamed it, again.  I thought we had come to the compromise of serving the cupcakes and groom's cake family style so that our guests could choose, but we wouldn't end up paying for too much cake.  Well, they brought it up again because they thought I had made the "wrong" decision.  Yep.  That's the word they used.  Wrong.  I won the argument again, but I have a feeling I won't be so nice about it if it's brought up a third time.

Secondly, I'm down a bridesmaid.  Mr. Lion's sister has decided not to attend our wedding.  My FMIL is still very upset about it, so I don't want to go into it out of respect for her.  I'm actually okay with it.  I figure, if someone doesn't want to be there, I don't want them to be either.  Besides, being a bridesmaid is an honor.  If she doesn't want that honor, I don't want to give it to her.  It feels like I'd be taking something away from the other five girls who have truly been there for me.

Then yesterday, my FMIL sent me this text: "I can't get a hold of Coco Loco [the rehearsal dinner venue].  The phone just rings and rings, and the email says it's no longer in service.  I don't mean to scare you, but I have a bad feeling about this."  Shit.

Then, on a hunch, FMIL Lion googled "Coco Loco" and "closed."  She found an article that said that the restaurant, which has been open for 20 years, closed permanently last week.  Last week, as in three weeks before our wedding.  Like Miss Sloth, we no longer had a rehearsal dinner venue.  Unlike Miss Sloth, these guys didn't have the courtesy to tell us.  We found out from a newspaper article, and only because FMIL Lion's intuition is that awesome.  Can you imagine if she had ignored that hunch?!  We might have showed up after rehearsal waiting to eat food!

As you can imagine, I hyperventilated.  But only for about 30 seconds.  I thought to myself, "You don't have time to panic anymore.  That's a luxury you can't squeeze in anymore.  You need to be efficient right now."  And I moved on.  Mr. Lion and I tried a new Cuban restaurant last night, and made up a list of questions for FMIL Lion to ask today.  If it doesn't work out at this new place, we'll keep looking.

Yeah, this kind of stuff happens.  When you're planning something as detailed and as involved as a wedding, it's more likely than not that something bad will happen.  It's out of your control, but your reaction to it is within your control.  And your reaction is what matters.  I just wanted to let y'all know that I think a big reason why I didn't completely freek out is because of you, Hive.  I've read about your drama.  I've commented on how strong you are, and how much I admire your ability to push through it.  When I got that text from FMIL Lion, all I thought about were people like Mrs. Trail Mix and Mrs. Socks, who didn't let wedding-related disasters get to them, no matter how big or how small.  They focused on the marriage, and knew it would work out eventually.  I just wanted to thank all of you for being such positive role models.  You have no idea how much you inspire me.

Your turn!  Let's hear your most recent wedding vents :)

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