Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Love is Where We Are: My Girls

The boys were all done with their photo shoot, and now it was our turn. Let me just say, posing for photos prior to your ceremony is one of the most awkward but hilarious parts of your day (the other awkward moments for me were the first dance and the cake cutting, but we'll get to that later). At this point, guests were starting to arrive, and we were in a very visible location. It's weird because you want to go say hello, but you also want to stay focused and present for the photographer! Additionally, eeeveryone who sees you makes this guilty face like, "Oh crap! Was I not supposed to see this? Was I not supposed to see her until the ceremony?!" Um, no, doofus. Unless you're the groom, I don't care. Yes, awkward but hilarious.

Despite the awkwardness, posing with the girls was one of the first moments of the day that I was really looking forward to. I always love seeing each bee's recap post that features "the girls' shoot." I couldn't wait to create girls photos of my own. Plus, my girls looked gorgeous.

Our photographer is all about perspective and spacing (which I LOVE), but I wanted something a little less artsy and a little more intimate so I had everyone squeeze in for one more.

That photo was one of my favorites from the whole day. The lesson: if you have an idea for a photo, don't hesitate to ask your photog to make it happen! Now, don't take that to the extreme and boss them around the whole time. Let the expert lead, but try to make it a creative process together.

I then posed for a few photos by myself.

Then, something really cool happened. Hive, this is Favorite Wedding Memory #1! Please note, throughout the Lioness Recaps, I will be listing off my favorite wedding memories, as indicated by obnoxious bold and italicized font.

As I was posing for photos, I noticed someone standing there out of the corner of my eye. It was my dad. "Oh my goodness!" he exclaimed. "I'm so sorry; I didn't mean to interrupt your --- no, actually I'm glad. This is really cool. You girls just look...I'm so proud of...this is awesome."

My dad, who is usually a profound speaker, proceeded to be a bumbling mess up through the moment he walked me down the aisle.

What was your coolest pre-ceremony moment?

Catch up on the Lioness Recaps here!

*All photos by H.Photography unless otherwise noted.

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