Thursday, April 15, 2010

Meet Me Halfway

Mama Lioness is the antithesis of Mother of the Bride.  I grew up in the South and view myself as a Southern Belle, but that certainly doesn't mean I have a Southern family.  My family is from New England, but my mom grew up overseas.  My grandfather was a diplomat, so she lived all over...mostly in South America and the Caribbean.  Yes, Mama Lioness is actually more latina than gringa.  Hey, maybe that's why I ended up with a Cubano!

I'm Southern, so I grew up dreaming of grande romances comparable to Scarlett & Rhett's.  I'm Floridian, so I grew up dreaming of Prince Charming whisking me away as woodland creatures frolicked about.  She's slightly more practical than I am.  She loves Mr. Lion, she loves that we're happy, and she's super excited about the wedding.  But when it comes to every detail and every ridiculous expense, it's hard for her to see why it's important to me.

On the one hand, it's nice having her a bit removed.  I'm a control freak and I would not function well with an overbearing mother trying to be too involved in my decisions.  On the other hand, sometimes I wished she understood why the smallest, dumbest traditions were so important to me.

Fortunately, I've found a way to solve this problem.  Mama Lioness is super creative.  I figured if I could find ways to incorporate her creativity and her individuality, she could be the Mother of the Bride that I wanted her to be without changing who she is.  I've made an effort to stick to that plan, and so far it's been quite successful and I think she really appreciates it!  This is my first act of compromise:

 Source: Paperback Swap

This book was PERFECT for my mom.  It's dry, original, and realistic, yet still heartwarming.  She loved it, and it made me really happy to give it to her!

Did you find a fun way to get a family member involved in your planning process?

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