Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Subtle Tribute for Unsubtle Fans

I don't remember exactly when, but around Christmas break we started discussing dates.  We knew we wanted Spring 2011, because we were both graduating in Spring 2010.  We knew we wanted a Saturday, because so many of our guests would be coming from out-of-state.  So I whipped out my iPhone and took a look at the calendar.  I decided March might be too cold, and May would be too close to three of my bridesmaid's graduations (more about how incredibly brilliant and talented my friends are later).  That left April.

Source: my iCal

I immediately checked the vitals: Passover was the 19th through the 25th.  Easter Sunday was the 24th.  The NCAA March Madness Finals were the 4th.  That left the 2nd, the 9th, the 16th, and the 30th.  My mom didn't like the 2nd because it was too close to my birthday.  I didn't like the 16th or the 30th because it was too close to actual wedding season (and finals for my lovely bmaids who are still in school).  So now that left the 2nd and the 9th.  Then, I had an epiphany.

Source: SoxBlog

Do you know who that is?  It's Jackie Robinson.  He broke the color barrier.  Now, I've told you that Mr. Lion and I are huge baseball fans.  I'm a Sox fan and he's a Yankees fan.  This is the source of all of our arguments.

Personal photo: Hat fight, circa 2005

Personal photo: Interleague Sox game at Turner Field, 2009.
Mr. Lion was not thrilled that my boys were winning.

Regardless of who you root for in baseball, integration is something we can all agree on.  Jackie's number is 42, so April 2nd would be a wonderful tribute to him and all he did for the game.

I was psyched.  We had set a date AND discovered a fun way to incorporate our love for baseball into our wedding day.  Plus, Mr. Lion could never forget an anniversary date like that!

How did you choose your date?  Does your date have a certain significance behind it?

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