Monday, February 21, 2011

Rawr: An Update

I recently had my first wedding dress fitting...with a seamstress who was just not my favorite person I've encountered along this wedding journey.  Y'all left me lots of comments (Yay!  I love comments) suggesting what I should do from there, explaining where the seamstress was coming from, but most of all, empathizing with me and telling me it would be okay (seriously Hive, be more awesome).  I left with a tinge of anxiety, worried that the top of the dress would still not fit me adequately.  I scheduled my next fitting six weeks later, which was also six weeks before the wedding.  I figured this would give me ample time to go elsewhere if the neckline was still gaping.

Hang on, gotta interrupt this story for a minute.

Now then, where were me?  Oh, yes.  I have since gone to said fitting.  I was a little nervous going in.  I left work a little early to get to the other side of Atlanta in time for my appointment, but I was lucky enough to run into two accidents.  I'm sure any of you Atlanta Bees can relate; driving across town from 4:00-5:30 on a Friday is not the brightest idea.  I called to say that I may be a little late, only to hear this response, "If you're not here at exactly 5:30, you need to reschedule."  Um, really?  This didn't help with the butterflies in my stomach.  Fortunately, I drive more like my Bostonian side than my Southern side, and I made it in time.  I met up with Lioness Bmaid Emily, who gave me a very supportive pep talk as we went in to face certain doom.
Sorry, Lioness Bmaid Emily!  If Ariel had some hot friends, I'd use that screencap.  But in order to illustrate this point, you've gotta be Sebastian.  Love you!

I slipped on the dress, zipped it up, and stared at the mirror in disbelief.  It was perfect.  Absolutely no gaping, even while jumping up and down.  I know, because I checked.  It wasn't really loose anywhere, but it wasn't uncomfortably tight either.  And the bustle, oh the bustle.  So much love.  We were so excited that we didn't really take pictures (Bad blogger!), but Lioness Bmaid Emily did manage to capture this shot of the bustle with her iPhone:

So, all was well in the end.  What wedding drama magically resolved for you?

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