Friday, October 8, 2010

In Memory of Awesomeness

Unfortunately, Mr. Lion and I have both experienced loss and grief in our lives.  We would both like to include those loved ones in our wedding somehow, so we started exploring some options.  I've seen "In Memory" sections in programs, but that didn't seem personal enough to me.  I've always thought memorial candles are really beautiful, but I still had one reservation.  These options seemed perfectly appropriate for grandparents, great aunts, older adults.  What if one of the people missing from your wedding was someone younger?  It just didn't seem to fit.

I've mentioned before that my cousins and I are close, almost like extended siblings, and my cousin Mark was the big brother to us all.  I grew up worshiping him.  He was hilarious, he was kind, and he was never too cool to play with his little cousins.
Personal photo, circa 1987 (I'm the one in the floaties!)

At one of our favorite places in the world (10 points if you can name it!) in 2003

Mark passed away about five years ago after battling Hodgkin's lymphoma.  I hate to sound cliche, but not a day goes by that I don't miss him.  I knew I had to think of something besides a memorial candle to include Mark in our wedding.  If my grandfather knew that he would be memorialized with a candle, he would think it was nice.  If Mark knew that he would be memorialized with a candle, he would say, "Dude.  Seriously?"  His sister did something unique for him on her wedding day, and I knew I needed to do the same.

One of the things I admired most about Mark was his creativity.  He always had these crazy schemes, but he usually didn't follow through with them.  The one idea he did actually put into action was designing his own clothing company.  It's not exactly in stores (yet), but he did design and print a few items.  The company is called Freekware, and its intention was to celebrate the uniqueness inside each individual through positivity and inspiration.  The logo is supposed to look like a surfer on a wave...also, (according to Mark) it's apparently an "F" on it side.

The Freekware logo has become a part of the Lioness clan's culture.  It represents so much of what we're all about and, more importantly, it represents someone who was such an important part of our lives.  Every time my cousins and I get together, someone's bound to wear it.  Mark's sisters have since taken over the company, and I can't wait to see what they do with it!  They recently distributed a new line of designs, which each of us threw on immediately:
Yeah, we make matching and coordinated family reunions look cool.

The symbolism behind the Freekware logo made it the perfect tribute.  But how to incorporate it into our wedding?  Allow me to introduce you to the bouquet charm:
 Source: HyStudio via OffBeatBride

It's amazing to me how something so subtle and dainty can come across so powerfully in photos.  I knew I had found my solution.  I found all kinds of bouquet charms on Etsy, but most of them were a little over budget.  Then, I stumbled upon Mrs. Crab Cake's post on bouquet charms, where she discusses the DIY option.  I followed her advice and looked into Etsy seller AnnieHows.  She did not disappoint.

A DIY kit to make six bouquet charms with your own image...for $14.  For a reasonable price, not only can I represent Freekware (and Mark), my bridesmaids can too!  I can't wait to show y'all the final product.

How have you chosen to remember loved ones who couldn't be with you on your wedding day?

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