Monday, November 14, 2011

Love is Where We Are: Dollar Dance

I had mixed feelings about doing a dollar dance during our wedding reception. Asking our guests for money when they had already bought us presents (and many of them had also traveled to our wedding) seemed inappropriate.  Then, I learned that it was a tradition at Cuban weddings. I was trying to incorporate different customs from our different cultures, and this one seemed like an easy one to include. I decided that it was silly to worry about judgement from our guests; these were our closest friends and family!

If you're having the same debate, I highly recommend going for it. The dollar dance became of my favorite parts of our reception because it was such an efficient way to mingle. In the midst of a busy day, it granted me the opportunity to have one-on-one conversations with many of my guests.

We started off with our maid of honor and best man.

A line formed rather quickly, and our initial dance parters stepped aside to play bouncer and collect payment. Mr. Lion's stepsister was the first to cut in.

Next, I danced with one of my sorority sisters, Christina...

...while Mr. Lion danced with our friend Marco.

Next, I danced with my matron of honor/ring bearer, Laura.

We were soon joined by the rest of my bridesmaids.

Mr. Lion danced with my cousin, Shannon...

...while I danced with my friend, Chad.

Mr. Lion danced with my cousin, Michelle...

...while I danced with his groomsman, Ryan.

Next, I danced with Mama Lioness for a while...because seriously, who is going to cut in on the Mother of the Bride?!

Next, Mr. Lion danced with my cousin, Jen...

...while I danced with my new FIL.

Next up was my cousin, Steve...

...followed by sorority sister Amanda.

Mr. Lion danced with Mama Lioness...

...while I danced with his stepdad...

...and his friend, Chris...

...and my MIL.

My mom was still dancing with Mr. Lion, but she had drawn a crowd!

Finally, my friend (and fabulous makeup artist!), Kealoha, brought up the rear of the line.

I don't remember how much we made, (just that I made more than Mr. Lion...that's the important thing, right?!), but I remember what I talked about with each of these people.

Are you doing a dollar dance at your wedding?

Catch up on the Lioness recaps here!
*All photos by H. Photography unless otherwise noted.

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